Tuesday 6 December 2016

My year in GRI11...

Dear me,
What’s life like in your days, is it cool? Do you read people’s minds? Do you publish writing from your MIND? Well... Today I am telling you of life here. Well, you had just moved to Palmerston North and had just taken your first step into your new school. Your legs wobbled like jelly and the butterflies in your stomach came alive and multiplied.  You walked in your new class in your new school, and you can not believe your eyes as you see everyone is on a device EACH, I mean…. Your old school you did your work in books, so that was a big step for you. You found out the name of your school is called College Street, it sounds reasonable, It is on College Street after all. You knew absolutely nobody, But you met Lola, do you still know her? Anyway, no one wanted to use the chrome-COUGH COUGH- Crap books because, well… I don’t know why but their ‘bad.’ I hope you remember your time at college street, it is awesome here at College Street.
From, you.

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