Sunday 6 November 2016

How To Horse Ride

Everyone loves horses, right? Well not everyone knows how to ride, and thats what your going to learn today! You should have a mounting block to start with, you then stand up on the mounting block. Put your left foot in the closest stirrup, and swing your body over the horse and slip your right foot in the other stirrup. Grab the reins and pull right to go right, and left to go left. To stop just simply pull the reins towards you. To start your horse, kick your heels into the horse and to trot kick twice. When trotting, rise count to one, then sit back down then keep repeating this untill you want to walk. In which you pull the reins towards you till your walking. Do you LOVE horses, or are you not so fond of them? Answer in the comments, don't be shy! # HORSES!
Image result for horse gif transparent

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