Tuesday 6 December 2016

My year in GRI11...

Dear me,
What’s life like in your days, is it cool? Do you read people’s minds? Do you publish writing from your MIND? Well... Today I am telling you of life here. Well, you had just moved to Palmerston North and had just taken your first step into your new school. Your legs wobbled like jelly and the butterflies in your stomach came alive and multiplied.  You walked in your new class in your new school, and you can not believe your eyes as you see everyone is on a device EACH, I mean…. Your old school you did your work in books, so that was a big step for you. You found out the name of your school is called College Street, it sounds reasonable, It is on College Street after all. You knew absolutely nobody, But you met Lola, do you still know her? Anyway, no one wanted to use the chrome-COUGH COUGH- Crap books because, well… I don’t know why but their ‘bad.’ I hope you remember your time at college street, it is awesome here at College Street.
From, you.

Monday 5 December 2016

Sumo Wrestling

Two weeks ago we got to test out some new Sumo Wrestling suits. A parent at my school wanted to see if they were suitable to hire out to kids so they asked us if we would test them out to see if they are suitable for kids. Lola and I got to test it out, lola fell down first and I had to fall on top, along with being fun we had to see if we could feel anything. We didn't but we still had to write down how we felt, It was all sweaty but it was SO fun! There's a picture below of everyone who helped and everyone who had a go, the people in the suits are Lola and I, I'm in the blue and she's in the red.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Athletics Day

I was at athletics day and I'll tell the truth, I didn't want to do Athletics. We did long distance first, and I got a one. Next was high jump, the same... a one. But shot put I did better, I got a three and  I couldn't believe it, ( I'm not the best at Athletics ) I got into the relay team, and was nervous to take the batten, when I got handed it I sprinted as fast as I could. I reached out and placed it in the person's hand in front of me. I jogged behind them and got to the other side. I high five Zara K and lay down on the cool grass, panting. After the teams relays the parents did a relay, it was so funny to watch. We went back to class after the big event and did class stuff, maths, writing and reading.... boring things. I went home and told my mum all about it after school. It was more fun then I thought. :D

Monday 14 November 2016

World Of Wonders

At school we are doing a World Of Wonders Cultural Festival. I have chosen to be part of the cultural foods, and am cooking in the Asian category. I am making Fried rice which we have chosen to make at home. The reason why we are doing this Festival is because we want to prove that we love all cultures not just ours. We want to show we care about all cultures by selling some different foods than our own for free. Other pupils in my class have chosen to host or be part of this festival in sport, yoga or dance. Here is a picture of the food I am cooking!

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Online bullying

Online bulling is horrible, everybody knows that. But why do they still do it?  Well, some people find it entertaining, or funny. But words written down can't be taken in the right way you want them to. If you come accross someone being bullied, online or not. Tell an adult. The same for if you are being bullied online. Online bullying is called Cyber bullying, and it's horrible to do or have done to you. If you are Cyber bullying someone, say sorry or tell an adult you didn't mean to make the person upset, they just took it in the wrong way. So if you are being Cyber bullied or are Cyber bullying, or you see someone being Cyber bullied, TELL AN ADULT. There are over 7 billion people in the world, and your gonna let one person ruin your day? DON'T.
Image result for cute cartoon bully gif

Bike saftey

On Friday, the Girls in GRi11 2.0 did Bike safety. We learnt how to indicate and go around round-a-bouts! To go around them, you have to give way to your right. I had so much fun. We also did a game, that if you were caught doing something illegal you were out. I stayed in till the end of the first round, but in the second round I was out for speeding! With indicating, you have to put your right hand out to indicate right, the same with turning left, apart from when your going left you put your left arm out. I girl in my class called Reem left a skid mark on the concrete! Here's a picture of the fun event!

Guy Fawkes

I link arms with Caity as we enter the crowd, ' stick together! ' yells Mum. Lara laughs as she looks at Caity and I linking arms and joins arms with me and whispers to mum, ' we won't get lost ' Mum smiles, ' good to know.' We sit down on the rocks and talk before it starts, I lie down and look up at the stars, they're twinkling away. Suddenly the peaceful night with people chatting quietly was interrupted by fireworks booming from up in the sky. I hold my earmuffs as tight as I can to block the noise of the banging. I open my sqiunted eyes and have a look at the fireworks exploding in the beautiful night sky. It was over to quick, we were soon in the car heading home. The traffic was horrible, since everyone was coming back from the River firworks. It took ages to get home, but soon I was asleep in my cosy bed, hearing fireworks explode in my dreams.
Image result for fireworks white background gif

Sunday 6 November 2016

How To Horse Ride

Everyone loves horses, right? Well not everyone knows how to ride, and thats what your going to learn today! You should have a mounting block to start with, you then stand up on the mounting block. Put your left foot in the closest stirrup, and swing your body over the horse and slip your right foot in the other stirrup. Grab the reins and pull right to go right, and left to go left. To stop just simply pull the reins towards you. To start your horse, kick your heels into the horse and to trot kick twice. When trotting, rise count to one, then sit back down then keep repeating this untill you want to walk. In which you pull the reins towards you till your walking. Do you LOVE horses, or are you not so fond of them? Answer in the comments, don't be shy! # HORSES!
Image result for horse gif transparent

Halloween train

My heart was thumping and my hairs were standing on end. I didn't sign up for this that one thought whirls around in my mind, I grip Lola's arm and I can feel Dorothy breathing on my neck. I hear a muffled voice from up the front of the train, I can see I cage hanging above the track and hear a petrified scream through the bars. A hand reaches through the bars, I scream and dodge the hanging hand. Lola and Dorothy look at me and we all say at the same time, " I didn't even have a chance to write my will! " I hear a snigger from the bushes, and start to scream as hard as I can. I can see a figure emerge from the bushes and stand on the railway track. I can see a demon angel with a cloak and a pair of angel wings. I can't help it and I say " I LOVE your wings!! " The demon lifts it's hood it's an eighteen year old, " oh thanks " She laughs. I look ahead, there is a clearing and a zombie bride wandering around, " good luck on your wedding day! " yells Lola. Dorothy and I laugh, and look ahead to see what else is ahead on our journey. Sadly around the bend was the end of our ride. Afterward's I went to lola's for a sleepover, we did apple bobbing and Lola and I got the hang of it. Dorothy didn't want to try, but Shawny was the first one to get an apple. I had a really good time!
Image result for zombie gif transparent Image result for zombie gif transparent

Jump Jam

At College street we have a jump jam team. They just went to a championships and placed 3rd! The music the did their dance to a song called gangnam style, I'm sure you've heard of it! I got to watch!Image result for gangnam style cartoon guy saying gangnam style transparentThe Dance was AWESOME!Image result for gangnam style cartoon guy saying gangnam style transparent

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Happy Father's Day!

At school, we had to choose a text type to write something to our Dad. I choose a description, where you have to describe someone or something. Here is mine....

Dear Dad

You are super kind and fun, you always let me do awesome things, but always make sure it is safe first. Sometimes, when it snowed in Dunedin, you would always let me go down to the park and build giant, Puffy snowmen with my friends. ( with the help of you).

Whenever you get angry at me and I storm off to my room, you always make sure I’m OK afterwards.  You always make me laugh after I have a hissy fit.

Image result for small heart gifYou cook dinner some nights when mum is super tired, and you always do DIY stuff at home ( which turns out cheaper and cooler then bought stuff ).  You are super patient but you like to get stuff done.

You always come and watch my football games ( in the car, most of the time ) you are also very supportive when I play sport.  You are always HILARIOUS, everyone loved you last year at camp, or at least, Willow and I did.

You supported Caity and I when we moved to Christchurch, and put focus on us. You made the journey of moving a BLAST, and super fun for the WHOLE family, including Mum. You are AWESOME.

Who Could Ask For A Better Dad Than You?
Love, Sarah

Remember, if you liked this post, hit the comment button, I would love to hear from you!

Thursday 1 September 2016

My Olympic Country

At School my class Is celebrating the Olympics, we all had to choose a country to research about, I chooseIreland.

Ireland is a country located in Europe with the total of 4.63 million living in it. Ireland’s most popular tourist attraction is Trinity College in Dublin. Other Irish cities of note include Cork, Limerick and Galway.

Saint Patrick's Day is Ireland’s official national holiday, The 17th of March holiday is celebrated in Ireland and also embraced by many other countries around the world.

Did you know the world famous Guinness beer is from Ireland? It originated in the Dublin brewery of Arthur Guinness.  In 2002 Ireland was the first country in the world to have an environmental tax for plastic shopping bags and in 2004 it was the first to introduce a public smoking ban. Ireland has 74 athletes competing in the 2016 Olympics this year.

In Northern Ireland, you will find some of the most spectacular beaches in Europe. The naturally stunning formations of the coastline provide long stretches of golden sand and impressive sand dunes.

Ireland’s environment is beautiful and green, but there are some bad sides about it. Ireland is next to the United States which has air pollution that can float over to Ireland. Ireland also has water pollution, but that is caused by the people of Ireland.  The main Environmental issues is Water pollution and Air pollution.

I hope Ireland can find a resolution to these Environmental issues! By Sarah :)

Thursday 28 July 2016

My Favourite Pokemon.

My Favourite Pokemon are called Eevee and Pikachu. Eevee evolves into 8 different Pokemon. Pokemon is a Tv series, but has resently made a game called Pokemon Go which is where you catch Pokemon and upgrade them. Eevee and Pikachu look a little something like the image's below...           

Monday 25 July 2016

Haiku Poem

My Haiku Poem is about what I did in the holidays. As you can see, I had a Sleep Over in the Holidays. If you Like it, Comment!
By Sarah

Sunday 26 June 2016


This term my school is doing a whole school production. The theme is Cinderella & Rockerfella. It has many roles: Cinderella, Rockerfella, Fairy Brigade, Fairy God Mother, Dress maker and many more. Each role is unique, with one or more speaking part or maybe just a ball guest. Better not spoil it, though.

I am Rockerfella's dress maker, and have one line to say. I am in two scene's I only speak in one of them, though. I love my costume, even though it's a bit "over the top" it's really detailed and sparkly.  Most of my friends got a part one of my friends got Cinderella and one of my closest friends is a ball room guest (taylor swift's mum.)

The Prop's that we will use look brilliant. Like in the town scene there is a candy stand, a Hair salon and a clothes shop.  The props for the Ball room scene are still being painted but I am sure they look spleinded. I am looking ford to the production, I hope I don't muck up. By Sarah

Wednesday 1 June 2016

My Favourite Thing About My Class Learning🎨

My favourite thing about my class learning is choosing were you sit. It is my favourite thing because I don't work so well at a labeled seat and having to sit there no matter what. If it goes boy, girl, boy girl it just makes me feel uncomfortable and I cant do much work while feeling uncomfortable.

Most people would say DEVICES as their favourite thing about learning in my class, in a blink of an eye, but I like sitting with friends and writing in books much better than sitting in labeled seats with devices. I Love sitting with friends while I am working!!
By Sarah

Monday 30 May 2016

My Finger Spelling Video

In class we have all made a you tube video about signing our name in sign language. I learnt how to spell my name in sign language at home. We made it because it is good to know how to sign your name if you meet a deaf person.

I hope you enjoy my sign language video

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Mt Ruapau

On Friday my family drove up to Mt Ruapehu. We stopped by and stayed at a holiday park in Napier for the night. In the morning I played on the beach and found lots of exotic shells. When my sister woke up we went on the trampolines. When we got to Mt Ruapehu it was 7:00 at night so we went for a spa after dinner.  The next day was my mothers birthday so we bought her Adele's new album that we listened to in the car where ever we went for the rest of the holiday. We went up Mt Ruapehu to the ski fields and view points.  We went for a tramp because we wanted to make the most of the sunny weather because a storm was coming and it was gonna snow so we made the most of the sun. We were driving back to palmy and stopped by the hot pools. It was a very exiting holiday!
By Sarah

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Traditional Teaching Styles

On Tuesday 10th of may I came to school and saw through the window an old school class. There were signs on every single entrance to our class saying DO NOT ENTER UNTIL 8:50. My teachers came to school dressed up like olden day teachers. They were very strict and you weren't aloud to smile, laugh or in fact nothing that includes any sort of pleasure! I like smiling so I didn't cope very well. At morning tea time we weren't aloud to choose who we played with, were we played or what we played! After morning tea the teachers gave in and said that every time they looked at the white board they were actually trying very hard not to laugh! Then we had to do a CSI (colour symbol image) about TTS and the way we learn in my class and what colour symbol and image suits TTS and my class learning. Here is mine...
P.S you can do full screen

Under The Sea

At school we made a pick a path storey which is were you let the reader choose the storey.
I hope you enjoy my pick a path!

By Sarah

Thursday 5 May 2016

Sports Rotation⚽️

On Tuesday we had sports rotation. Your class goes to two different sports out of, soccer, hockey, circuits, badminton, golf, tennis or basketball. My fave sport in sports rotation is soccer because its not too competitive, its fun and when your losing and your angry you can just take your anger out on the ball. I've learnt alot like, teamwork always wins the game and more. I have played soccer for 3 years strait, I love soccer.

By Sarah

Monday 2 May 2016

The Esplanade

In the school holidays i went round to Lola's house for a play. We went on her trampoline for a while, then we played with her dog and cat.  Her Mum packed some snacks and we scooted down to the Esplanade, which was just down the road. When we were scootering to the Esplanade I fell over and Lola rode over my hand. It kind of hurt but I didn't want to tell Lola she had rode over my hand.

We meet Ella and her brothers at the Esplanade playground. We went on the Rocktopus and tried passing a bag of chips around, it kind of worked but we lost a few chips along the way. We went on the mouse wheels next and ran like our lives depended on it, so as everyone after running heaps, we went to the bird nests. The bird nests is a huge rope jungle gym with little rope things like nests.

When it was time to go I said bye to Ella and her brothers, we then scooted back to her house then she dropped me of at my house. It was the best day ever!!

By Sarah

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Swimming Sports🐬

Swimming Sports

On Tuesday 12th of April we had swimming sports. I entered in Free-style and Flutter board because  I though I would do best in them. I came 2nd Free-style and 2nd in Flutter board, I felt very proud of my self. I had the best time cheering chaotically for my friends when I wasn't swimming and cheering loudly for yellow house (my house). In the fun relays my team had to swim on a bit of foam shaped as a surf board. I was pretty fast on the piece of foam. In short I had a great time! So glad I went!            

By Sarah S

Thursday 31 March 2016

Disco Dancing🎤

Disco Dancing

On the 31st of march the school had a disco. I had to be picked up by Kristy's Mum. It was such an exciting disco, with lime green disco lights and completely of the earth music! I had a blast with all my friends, Kristy, Lola, Sophie and Shawny.

The theme was Rock star so I dressed up in snake skin pants(fake snake skin pants!) ,a blingy blue top, a black and white necklace and a wicked charm bracelet. I got some Sprite and took lots of rock star photos and danced through the night.

 Half-way through the chaotic night Lola fond a five dollar note on the floor and bought me two crunchy bars and her-self two moro bars. She got a sugar high because her favorite chocolate bar is a moro bar and she had a can of coke. 

We did the limbo and Lola won a prize because she didn't fall over, Sophie got a prize for the complete opisite ( she fell over.)Lola's Dad picked me, Lola and Kristy up from the mad disco. On the way back to the car we all started going on a sugar high! We started talking really fast and saying the most random things! 

By Sarah <3


Wednesday 9 March 2016

learning with Gri11 2.0📖

This year in Gri11 2.0 we have 4 learning spaces. The spaces have some pretty cool names that are to do with Hauora. This year we have been learning about Hauora which means 'well being 'in Maori. We have colours to remind us of the 4 aspects, Blue is Spiritual, Green is Social, Red is Physical and Yellow is Mental and Emotional Well being.

The Hide-Out which is the silent room where no one is allowed to talk which is targeted at the blue element of Hauora (spiritual.) The Hub is the main environment where everyone can targets all learning styles and all of the colours of Hauora. The Hang-Out is where you can hang with your friends and talk and do your work, it targets the Green (Social) element of Hauora. And last but not least The Hall of Fame which is sort of a mixture of both talking and working quietly, again targeting all the colours.

My favourite place to work is The Hide-Out because I find myself able to work better in quiet spaces. But I don't always like to work in silence.  Sometimes it's not fun working by yourself in silence.  So I can go to The Hang-Out were I can talk with my friends and do my work.

We have the best learning spaces and the best teachers!  By Sarah! :)

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Grill 2.0 at sixtus lodge🏇🏻

On Monday Grill 2.0 went to camp at Sixtus lodge in Apiti. When we got to Sixtus lodge we got to set up our beds.

When we went horse riding on the second day, that was the best thing that I did on camp. My horse was a chestnut with the name Ollie. I think Ollie was the best horse there, but then, I didn't ride all the horses. At the start of the horse riding you had to trot around a paddock then come back to the confidence course. 

The confidence course had blue barrels that you had to weave in and out of on your horse then you had to go down a path. the hardest part on the confidence course and the most fun was the part when you had to ride up to a pole and take a can off then put it on another pole. My group was the last group to horse ride. When my group left the horse riding, I asked the lady in charge if I could help her pack up so I got to lead some of the horses into the paddock and take their bridles off then put the bridles in the barn.  I LOVE HORSES!!   By Sarah :)                                                                                          
Me riding Ollie (best horse!